Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Effects of Obesity in Adults Free Essays

In today’s society indulging can make a huge measure of changes, that may influence ways of life of every day living. As indicated by CDC, more than 33% of U.S. We will compose a custom paper test on The Effects of Obesity in Adults or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now grown-ups were fat in 2011-2012. The impacts of weight can lead an individual down a street, which can be difficult to oversee throughout everyday life. A BMI of 30 is around 30 lb overweight and proportionate to 221 lb in a 6’0†³ individual and to 186 lb in one 5’6†³ (American Journal). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) presently characterizes ordinary weight, overweight, and heftiness as per BMI as opposed to the customary stature/weight graphs (NIH). Individuals with a weight record of at least 30 are viewed as large, and those with a B.M.I. of at least 40 are seriously large (NYTimes). Large people have a high hazard for ceaseless wellbeing conditions and complexities. To give some examples: hypertension, cardiovascular sickness, knee/joint issues, mental issues, diabetes, and passing. Corpulence is a measure by weight file, which is dictated by tallness and weight. On the off chance that an individual gains between 10-20 pounds they are at a high dangers of hypertension (OAC). As you put on weight, so stresses all through the body which causes hypertension. The more food and drink an individual devours thusly will build their sodium level. Because of the expansion of sodium and fat into the eating regimen the endocrine framework is compelled to redress and can bring about an expansion in circulatory strain. Hypertension is an incessant condition brought about by an expansion in circulatory strain and is a typical intricacy for fat patients.Abdominal extension is a typical entanglement because of layers of fat that have aggregated on muscle. The stomach divider compacting against the stomach causes distress for a large patient and furthermore confines resting positions. Rest apnea is another regular inconvenience of stout patients because of the conditioning of the tissue in the mouth and throat making the aviation route be blocked. A considerable lot of these patients must be set on a bipap machine while they rest to help direct their relaxing. Weight is likewise connected with knee and joint issues. Increment gauge strains the body, as an individual attempts to stroll with extra weight. Perfect body weight is delegated 50 kilograms for 5 ft. Anything past 5ft is increased by 2.3 + 50 to get perfect body weight. For instance; a 6’0 ft individual perfect body weight would be 50 + 2.3 x 12 equivalents 77.6 kilograms. Any weight over the normal weight is viewed as stout. After some time the tissues and connective ligaments become harmed from the strain of the weight that is hunkering down on the knee. Being just 10 pounds overweight builds the power on the knee by 30-60 pounds with each progression (John Hopkins). Being overweight expands, the heap set on the joints, for example, the knee, which builds pressure and might hurry the breakdown of ligament (John Hopkins). Plainly increment weight has huge effect on strolling, causing weakness, and joint/knee issues.Psychological outcomes of being overweight or large can incorporate brought down confidence and nervousness, and increasingly genuine disarranges, for example, sadness and dietary issues, for example, gorging, bulimia and anorexia (MentalHelp). Hefty individuals are ridiculed and looked downward on. Hefty individuals have less vitality, because of taking more energy to get their body moving. More weight implies more power expected to get going. Hollywood paints a picture that everybody around is slight. With regards to stout individuals there’s an inclination for sorrow, attempting to contrast and society. While being discouraged fat individuals tend to need to eat more and lay around sitting idle. Inside that brain state prompts eating more and putting on extra weight. After some time, even conventional errands of every day life like going up a stairwell can prompt weariness and a feeling of untimely maturing (Mentalhelp). Diabetes is another outcome related with being fat. Fat individuals have a propensity, to eat more desserts, and sugars that transform into glucose. Individuals who are overweight or have weight have included weight their body’s capacity to utilize insulin to appropriately control glucose levels, and are consequently bound to create diabetes (Obesity Society). Hefty individuals are at high danger of creating type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, which regularly happens in kids or young people, is brought about by the body’s failure to make insulin or type 2 diabetes, which happens because of the body’s powerlessness to respond appropriately to (insulin obstruction). Type 2 diabetes is more predominant than type 1 diabetes and is hence observed in generally 90% of all diabetes cases (Obesity Society). Contrasted and ordinary weight grown-ups, fat grown-ups had at any rate 20% altogether higher pace of kicking the bucket with cardiovascular sickness (NIH). Plaque develops because of more fats in diet, which prompts coronary supply route illness. As the development proceeds all through span of life, so does blockage in the coronary supply routes. A square in the coronary corridors with cause decline heart yield. With the decline in blood stream, heart tissue passing begins to frame. Blockage in the heart makes myocardial localized necrosis. Drag out tissue putrefaction will prompt cardia passing, bringing about death itself. For CVD, passing was progressed by 10.3 and 12.8 years in grown-ups matured 45 to 64 years arranged as evaluations II and III corpulent (Luisa N. Borrell). Heftiness can cause a great deal of issues that can be negative to exercises of day by day living. Similarly as a tad bit of increment weight, the body begins to separate itself. While, ordinary sound grown-up weight is not as much as BMI of 26, and stoutness is anything above BMI 30. A little increment in weight can be life changing. The exercises every day living related with stoutness diminishes in an adult’s life. A few unique sicknesses are engaged with heftiness, most can be relieved with only a minor reduction in weight. Step by step instructions to refer to The Effects of Obesity in Adults, Papers

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Role of Neurotransmitters

The Role of Neurotransmitters Brain Health Print The Role of Neurotransmitters By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on July 01, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on December 07, 2019 More in Brain Health Brain Food Mental Exercises Healthy Aging In This Article Table of Contents Expand How They Work What They Do Types When They Aren't Working Influencing Drugs Identifying Neurotransmitters View All Back To Top A neurotransmitter is defined as a chemical messenger that carries, boosts, and balances signals between  neurons, or nerve cells, and other cells in the body. These chemical messengers can affect a wide variety of both physical and psychological functions including heart rate, sleep, appetite, mood, and fear. Billions of neurotransmitter molecules work constantly to keep our brains functioning, managing everything from our breathing to our heartbeat to our learning and concentration levels. Verywell / Jessica Olah How Neurotransmitters Work In order for neurons to send messages throughout the body, they need to be able to communicate with one another to transmit signals. However, neurons are not simply connected to one another. At the end of each neuron is a tiny gap called a synapse and in order to communicate with the next cell, the signal needs to be able to cross this small space. This occurs through a process known as neurotransmission. In most cases, a neurotransmitter is released from whats known as the axon terminal after an  action potential  has reached the synapse, a place where neurons can transmit signals to each other. When an electrical signal reaches the end of a neuron, it triggers the release of small sacs called vesicles that contain the neurotransmitters. These sacs spill their contents into the synapse, where the neurotransmitters then move across the gap toward the neighboring cells. These cells contain receptors where the neurotransmitters can bind and trigger changes in the cells. After release, the neurotransmitter crosses the synaptic gap and attaches to the receptor site on the other neuron, either exciting or inhibiting the receiving neuron depending on what the neurotransmitter is. Neurotransmitters act like a key, and the receptor sites act like a lock. It takes the right key to open specific locks. If the neurotransmitter is able to work on the receptor site, it triggers changes in the receiving cell. Sometimes neurotransmitters can bind to receptors and cause an electrical signal to be transmitted down the cell (excitatory). In other cases, the neurotransmitter can actually block the signal from continuing, preventing the message from being carried on (inhibitory). So what happens to a neurotransmitter after its job is complete? Once the neurotransmitter has had the designed effect, its activity can be stopped by different mechanisms. It can be degraded or deactivated by enzymesIt can drift away from the receptorIt can be taken back up by the axon of the neuron that released it in a process known as reuptake Neurotransmitters play a major role in everyday life and functioning. Scientists do not yet know exactly how many neurotransmitters exist, but more than 60 distinct chemical messengers have been identified.?? What They Do Neurotransmitters can be classified by their function:?? Excitatory neurotransmitters:  These types of neurotransmitters have excitatory effects on the neuron, meaning they increase the likelihood that the neuron will fire an action potential. Some of the major excitatory neurotransmitters include epinephrine and norepinephrine. Inhibitory neurotransmitters:  These types of neurotransmitters have inhibitory effects on the neuron; they decrease the likelihood that the neuron will fire an action potential. Some of the major inhibitory neurotransmitters include serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid  (GABA). Some neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine and dopamine, can create both excitatory and inhibitory effects depending upon the type of receptors that are present. Modulatory neurotransmitters: These neurotransmitters, often referred to as neuromodulators, are capable of affecting a larger number of neurons at the same time. These neuromodulators also influence the effects of other chemical messengers. Where synaptic neurotransmitters are released by axon terminals to have a fast-acting impact on other receptor neurons, neuromodulators diffuse across a larger area and are more slow-acting. Types There are a number of different ways to classify and categorize neurotransmitters. In some instances, they are simply divided into monoamines, amino acids, and peptides.?? Neurotransmitters can also be categorized into one of six types: Amino Acids Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) acts as the bodys main inhibitory chemical messenger. GABA contributes to vision, motor control, and plays a role in the regulation of anxiety. Benzodiazepines, which are used to help treat anxiety, function by increasing the efficiency of GABA neurotransmitters, which can increase feelings of relaxation and calm.Glutamate is the most plentiful neurotransmitter found in the nervous system where it plays a role in cognitive functions such as memory and learning. Excessive amounts of glutamate can cause  excitotoxicity resulting in cellular death. This excitotoxicity caused by glutamate build-up is associated with some diseases and brain injuries including Alzheimers disease???, stroke, and epileptic seizures. Peptides Oxytocin is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. It is produced by the hypothalamus and plays a role in social recognition, bonding, and sexual reproduction.?? Synthetic oxytocin such as Pitocin is often used as an aid in labor and delivery. Both oxytocin and Pitocin cause the uterus to contract during labor.Endorphins are neurotransmitters than inhibit the transmission of pain signals and promote feelings of euphoria. These chemical messengers are produced naturally by the body in response to pain, but they can also be triggered by other activities such as aerobic exercise.?? For example, experiencing a runners high is an example of pleasurable feelings generated by the production of endorphins. Monoamines Epinephrine is considered both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. Generally, epinephrine (adrenaline) is a stress hormone that is released by the adrenal system. However, it functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain.??Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in alertness is involved in the bodys fight or flight response. Its role is to help mobilize the body and brain to take action in times of danger or stress. Levels of this neurotransmitter are typically lowest during sleep and highest during times of stress.Histamine acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain and spinal cord.?? It plays a role in allergic reactions and is produced as part of the immune systems response to pathogens.Dopamine plays an important role in the coordination of body movements. Dopamine is also involved in reward, motivation, and additions.?? Several types of addictive drugs increase dopamine levels in the brain. Parkinsons disease, which is a degenerative disease that results in t remors and motor movement impairments, is caused by the loss of dopamine-generating neurons in the brain.Serotonin plays an important role in regulating and modulating mood, sleep, anxiety, sexuality, and appetite. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, usually referred to as SSRIs, are a type of antidepressant medication commonly prescribed to treat depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and panic attacks. SSRIs work to balance serotonin levels by blocking the reuptake of serotonin in the brain, which can help improve mood and reduce feelings of anxiety.?? Purines Adenosine acts as a neuromodulator in the brain and is involved in suppressing arousing and improving sleep.Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) acts as a neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral nervous systems.?? It plays a role in autonomic control, sensory transduction, and communication with glial cells. Research suggests it may also have a part in some neurological problems including pain, trauma, and neurodegenerative disorders. Gasotransmitters Nitric oxide plays a role in affecting smooth muscles, relaxing them to allow blood vessels to dilate and increase blood flow to certain areas of the body.Carbon monoxide is usually known as being a colorless, odorless gas that can have toxic and potentially fatal effects when people are exposed to high levels of the substance. However, it is also produced naturally by the body where it acts as a neurotransmitter that helps modulate the bodys inflammatory response.?? Acetylcholine Acetylcholine is the only neurotransmitter in its class. Found in both the central and peripheral nervous systems, it is the primary neurotransmitter associated with motor neurons.?? It plays a role in muscle movements as well as memory and learning. What Happens When Neurotransmitters Do Not Work Right As with many of the bodys processes, things can sometimes go awry. It is perhaps not surprising that a system as vast and complex as the human nervous system would be susceptible to problems. A few of the things that might go wrong include: Neurons might not manufacture enough of a particular neurotransmitterToo much of a particular neurotransmitter may be releasedToo many neurotransmitters may be deactivated by enzymesNeurotransmitters may be reabsorbed too quickly When neurotransmitters are affected by disease or drugs, there can be a number of different adverse effects on the body. Diseases such as  Alzheimers,  epilepsy, and  Parkinsons  are associated with deficits in certain neurotransmitters. Health professionals recognize the role that neurotransmitters can play in mental health conditions, which is why medications that influence the actions of the bodys chemical messengers are often prescribed to help treat a variety of psychiatric conditions. For example, dopamine is associated with such things as addiction and schizophrenia. Serotonin plays a role in mood disorders including depression and OCD.?? Drugs, such as SSRIs, may be prescribed by physicians and psychiatrists to help treat symptoms of depression or anxiety. Medications are sometimes used alone, but they may also be used in conjunction with other therapeutic treatments including cognitive-behavioral therapy. Drugs That Influence Neurotransmitters Perhaps the greatest practical application for the discovery and detailed understanding of how neurotransmitters function has been the development of drugs that impact chemical transmission. These drugs are capable of changing the effects of neurotransmitters, which can alleviate the symptoms of some diseases. Agonists vs Antagonists: Some drugs are known as agonists and function by increasing the effects of specific neurotransmitters. Other drugs and referred to as antagonists and act to block the effects of neurotransmission.??Direct vs Indirect Effects: These neuro-acting drugs can be further broken down based on whether they have a direct or indirect effect. Those that have a direct effect work by mimicking the neurotransmitters because they are very similar in chemical structure. Those that have an indirect impact work by acting on the synaptic receptors. Drugs that can influence neurotransmission include medications used to treat illness including depression and anxiety, such as SSRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, and benzodiazepines. Illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana also have an effect on neurotransmission. Heroin acts as a direct-acting agonist, mimicking the brains natural opioids enough to stimulate their associated receptors. Cocaine is an example of an indirect-acting drug that influences the transmission of dopamine.?? Identifying Neurotransmitters The actual identification of neurotransmitters can actually be quite difficult. While scientists can observe the vesicles containing neurotransmitters, figuring out what chemicals are stored in the vesicles is not quite so simple. Because of this, neuroscientists have developed a number of guidelines for determining whether or not a chemical should be defined as a neurotransmitter:?? The chemical must be produced inside the neuron.The necessary precursor enzymes must be present in the neuron.There must be enough of the chemical present to actually have an effect on the postsynaptic neuron.The chemical must be released by the presynaptic neuron, and the postsynaptic neuron must contain receptors that the chemical will bind to.There must be a reuptake mechanism or enzyme present that stops the action of the chemical. A Word From Verywell Neurotransmitters play a critical role in neural communication, influencing everything from involuntary movements to learning to mood. This system is both complex and highly interconnected. Neurotransmitters act in specific ways, but they can also be affected by diseases, drugs, or even the actions of other chemical messengers.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Amazon A Global Online Retailer And Web Service Provider...

INTRODUCTION Competitive advantage is the favourable position a company has over other companies in the market and by providing different goods and services to their consumers (Gao and et. al., 2010). This advantage is the set of innovative and the different products offered for sale, so that the company’s profit can increase. This report is based on Amazon a global online retailer and web service provider. Amazon provides a broad range of products that includes apparels, beauty and health products, auto and industrial items, electronics, grocery, jewellery, kids and baby products, movies, music, sports goods, toys, books, games, tools and others. It also provides services such as home delivery and shipping, website hosting and other web related services. It offers its products via company-owned retail websites. It also produces and sells Kindle devices. Amazon offer programs that allow authors, musicians, filmmakers, app developers and others to publish and sell content. Geographically, Amazon operates in North America and other international locations through its affiliates. Amazon has its headquarters in Seattle, the US. In 1995 launched on the web and in 1997 the company became the first retailer to secure consumers and the number of the consumers is one million. In 1998 it entered into the online music and video, business and in 1999, it increased its business by selling toys, electronic, tools and hardware. In 2001, Amazon reported its first net profitShow MoreRelatedThe Global Leader in E-Commerce1605 Words   |  7 PagesBeing a Fortune 500 company, Amazon, started by Jeff Bezos in 1995, is the global leader in e-commerce. Amazon offers a wide variety of products, ranging from hardcover books to jewelry to electronics, as conveniently as possible to its customers (About Amazon, 2009). Although Amazon has begun to revolutionize retailing, the company’s competitive advantage and evolution has been put into question. The competitive advantage and evolution of Amazon can be analyzed by determining if the company if movingRead More Case Study Essay1501 Words   |  7 Pagesoutline and provide a brief overview of’s (Amazon) mission, strategic direction, core competencies, relied technologies and their future impact of new technologie s, and how management and use of consumer data will impact future business. In addition, we have analyzed Amazon’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a SWOT analysis. Based on this analysis, and research, we have recommend a course of action as to how Amazon should respond to their weaknesses and threats and howRead MoreExternal and Internal Factors1608 Words   |  7 Pagesoutline and provide a brief overview of Amazon.coms (Amazon) mission, strategic direction, core competencies, relied technologies and their future impact of new technologies, and how management and use of consumer data will impact future business. In addition, we have analyzed Amazons strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a SWOT analysis. Based on this analysis, and research, we have recommend a course of action as to how Amazon should respond to their weaknesses and threats and howRead MoreThe E Commerce Industry : Market Overview2871 Words   |  12 PagesCommerce Industry Global Business Operations MIB London – Jules Ketterlin Market Overview 3 Key data about the online retail market 3 A fast-growing but fragmented market 3 Market Environment 4 PESTEL Analysis 4 Political 4 Economical 4 Social 4 Technological 4 Environmental 5 Legal 5 Competitive Rivalry 5 Amazon 6 Presentation 6 Key figures 6 Corporate strategy and challenges 7 Strengthen online business through Amazon Marketplace 7 Expansion of Amazon Web Services 7 Foray into mobile hardwareRead More Analysis of Essay2517 Words   |  11 PagesIndustry Description History operates in the Online Retail Industry. The sector is one of the fastest growing globally and is outperforming the ordinary retail marketplace. It was created after 1995 and it was only the Internet that made it possible for such an industry not only to be established but to become one of the most flourishing sectors in the business environment. What is interesting is that, together with eBay is the pioneer in the field. Both companies were launchedRead MoreCompany History And Overview Of, Inc.1488 Words   |  6 Pageslargest Internet-based retailer in the United States (Ungar, 2014). started as an online bookstore, but soon diversified, selling DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, video downloads/ streaming, MP3 downloads/streaming, software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys and jewelry (Ungar, 2014). The company also produces consumer electronics—notably, Amazon Kindle e-book readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV and Fire Phone — and is a major provider of cloud computing services (Ungar, 2014). TheRead MoreAmazon - Strategic Capability5324 Words   |  22 is a leading e-retailer and is a globally recognized brand, but is facing increasing competition from bricks and mortar companies setting up an online presence and current e-retailers increasing their geographical and product scope. also faces strong rivalry in its Web Services Business where more specialized web services companies are able to offer more products and have a broader geographical presence. The report finds that Amazons weakness as an e-retailer arises from the costRead MoreAmazon - Strategic Capability5331 Words   |  22 Pagescom is a leading e-retailer and is a globally recognized brand, but is facing increasing competition from bricks and mortar companies setting up an online presence and current e-retailers increasing their geographical and product scope. also faces strong rivalry in its Web Services Business where more specialized web services companies are able to offer more products and have a broader geographical presence. The report finds that Amazons weakness as an e-retailer arises from the costRead MoreQuality Management Of Amazon Ecommerce Business1954 Words   |  8 PagesAbstract: The emergence of Digital economy is due to expansion of globalization. To conduct business, E-commerce is the purpose of internet and the web. In 21st century, the future of businesses is E-commerce. Quality management practice implementation in E-commerce is challenging area to researchers and managers. In today’s business, Ecommerce has become a reality and is become important for company’s success in the market. During the last decades, ecommerce has known for a significant growth. InRead MoreOnline Shopping And Mobile Transactions993 Words   |  4 Pages Today, consumers steadily use multiple devices for online shopping and mobile transactions rise steeply. The e-commerce market has transformed the way businesses are managed, conducted and executed, locally or globally. Earlier with the Internet, success in retail was said to be depending on location. But at present, the Internet is said to be a global marketplace, and have come up with even the tiniest retailer a national - if not a global existence. The span of the e-commerce marketplace is

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Bingeing Became the New College Sport Essay - 621 Words

* I believe that when reading the title, date and place of publication I can safely say that this article is going to be about binge drinking among underage drinking at colleges. Also the issue of lowering the drinking age to under 21. * Topic: How bingeing became the new college sport Claim: And why it would stop if we lowered the drinking age. ~ The topic and claim are basically stating that the higher you raise the drinking age the worse off all the college kids are going to be, If we did lower the drinking age it would take away their sense of rebelling and adrenalin rush that they get from doing something illegal. ~ The author’s point of view is that â€Å"I’ve been there I know what happened because I know what I did† . He†¦show more content†¦It has just showed me just how stupid it is and how worthless drinking that much can be, I mean it is possible to go out and enjoy a drink or too, do you need to drink so much that you can’t see straight? I don’t think so at all. * This article merely states that we need to lower the drinking age to 18 or 19 to prevent the excitement factor. If the kids are â€Å"allowed† to do it then it’s not as exciting to them, they won’t drink to that extent. They have done it at a few campuses across the nation that have had a good out come. Either that or kids will start going to colleges on other parts of the world. As he mentioned towards the end of the essay about a Montreal college (â€Å"I saw on the one campus I visited where the legal drinking age is 18: Montreals McGill University, which enrolls about 2,000 American undergraduates a year. Many, when they first arrive, go overboard, exploiting their ability to drink legally. But by midterms, when McGills demanding academic standards must be met, the vast majority have put drinking into its practical place among their prioritiesâ€Å"). This is what was predicted for the outcome if we lower the drinking age in the unitedShow MoreRelatedHow Bingeing Became the New College Sport 1089 Words   |  5 PagesDrinking on college campuses has become a huge problem. For example, in the 10th century only old people used to drink, but now students drink more than their parents. Students see their parents drinking, so they may think that drinking has no effect on health that anyone can drink so why can’t the students drink? Therefore, college students have been drinking alcohol since the 14th century. Barrett Seaman’s article â€Å"How Bingeing Became the New College Sport,† appearing in TIME magazine on AugustRead MoreWith Every Solution, A New Problem Arises800 Words   |  4 Pages With Every Solution, A New Problem Arises Alcohol has been consumed since 10000 BC (Hanson 1). However, unlike now, alcohol was sometimes better than drinking water because of waters’ high risk of carrying diseases. Alcohol wasn’t looked at the way it is looked at now. Barrette Seaman, a New York Times editor wrote a book called Binge: What Your College Kid Won’t Tell You, examining college students’ behavior and reports on the issues of college students. After collecting the information

Anatomy of the Bean Seed Free Essays

The Anatomy of a Bean Seed Subject Area: Plant Science Unit Title: Parts of Plants – Seeds Grade Level: 4th 5th Objectives: To create an understanding of the deferent parts of a seed and their functions. Colorado Content Standards to be covered: science Standard I – Students understand the processes of scientific investigation and design, conduct, communicate about, and evaluate such Investigations. Standard Ill Life science: students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with ACH other and their environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Anatomy of the Bean Seed or any similar topic only for you Order Now Anticipatory Set: using a concept map on the board (or photocopy attached) ask students to name types of seeds they are familiar with or eat. Possibilities Include: lima beans, peas, green beans, sunflower seeds, black-eyed peas, and pinto beans. Materials: Dried lima beans, paper plates, water, magnifying glasses Input: Make copies of attached bean seed diagrams and go over the following parts and definitions: Key Vocabulary: 1 . Micromole – the small pore in a seed that that allows water absorption 2. Helium – he scar on a seed coat at the location where It was attached to the plant’s stalk during development 3. Deed coat (tests) the outer, protective skin covering the seed 4. Embryo – developing plant still inside the seed 5. Cotyledon – part of the seed that contains stored food used for initial growth 6. Dicotyledonous – (or idiotic for short) seed with two cotyledons Checking for understanding: At the end of this section, choose one of the following for a quick check: ask the students to partner share and think, pair and share, do a quick 3 word 1 OFF down to check for understanding. Determine the level of mastery for each student and provide individual remediation as needed. Prep: On the day before starting the experiment, soak dried lima beans in water. They will absorb some of the water and get a soft outside covering (seed coat). Procedures/Activities: examining a Bean Seed 1. Give each student a lima bean on a paper plate. Identify the seed coat. 2. Carefully rub the seed between your thumb and fingers. The seed coat will crack and slip off the seed easily. 3. Identify the cotyledon. This is the large oval part of the seed containing the food he seed needs before it can get nutrients from the soil and water. . The bean seed has a slit going down the middle of the seed. Split it open into 2 halves. Inside is a tiny plant called an embryo. A bean seed has two parts. Therefore, it is a Dicotyledonous, or idiotic for short. 5. Observe the bean parts using a magnifying glass. How to cite Anatomy of the Bean Seed, Papers

Friday, April 24, 2020

Scenario Critique Essay Example

Scenario Critique Essay Assignment 9.2 Scenario Critique Name: Institution: Assignment 9.2 Scenario Critique We will write a custom essay sample on Scenario Critique specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Scenario Critique specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Scenario Critique specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Question 1 This situation comprises an inmate receiving a death notification of his mother. This situation is rather emotional since it highlights the death of his mother regardless of the offender’s enthusiasm to see him that particular day. Thus, in order for the officers to deliver this notification, they use certain techniques within this situation. For instance, the officers used the LUV technique. In this scenario, the officers use this technique effectively in delivering the death notification. This technique enables the officer to be considerate to the victim in question. Additionally, employing the technique also meant that the officers pay special attention to the offender and make him feel that he was not alone in his predicament. This way, the offender would cease being emotionally unstable and act rationally by accepting the death of his mother. Another important technique that the officers use is empathy. Simply put, empathy involves visualizing oneself in another personâ⠂¬â„¢s situation. The officers use this technique in particular instances during the death notification. For instance, after the offender receives the news concerning his mother’s death, he asks questions that the officers cannot answer. As the scene proceeds, the officer sits nearer to the offender and places her hand on him, and tells him that he understands how he feels. This is an instance of empathy since the officer surmises that she is aware of what the offender is experiencing at that time. Question 2 Some of the behaviors and comments that the officers exhibited proved helpful for the offender, Hank. For instance, the officers do not shift their contact from the offender. They maintain direct contact with him. Maintaining direct contact illustrates to the offender that the news they are delivering is authentic. Additionally, maintaining a direct contact with Hank illustrates attention on the part of the officers in delivering the notification. By maintaining direct eye contact with the offender, the officers express their plight to the situation by asserting various comments in order to help the offender become emotionally stable. For instance, comments such as ‘I am so sorry and I know it hurts’ by the officer after delivering the notification assist in consoling the offender and attempting to understand how he feels. Another behavior that they exhibit bases on the LUV technique. Right after Hank reacts to the news and abruptly stands up; they ask him to seat and li sten to him intently. After listening, they attempt to understand what Hank is going through and even provide possible strategies to mitigate the effect of the notification. This situation involves the use of comments such as, ‘Is there anything that we can do for you?’ Furthermore, the first officer places her hand on the offender’s arm in an effort to console him. However, comments such as ‘these things happen’ in an attempt to explain his mother’s death by the first officer are unhelpful. At this point, the offender is trying to accept the fact of his mother’s death. Question 3 There were no missed opportunities within the death notification scenario. The officers performed their duties to the latter. Concerning communication, the officers exuded responsibility while engaging in interaction with the offender. The officers also exercised response during the volatile situation. Even the offender asked unanswerable questions, the offenders still maintained the composure and did not react to the prevailing situation. Additionally, the use of empathy was also evident during the situation. There was also efficient knowledge of the respective audience by the mediators. In this case, the officers used various techniques based on the preference of their audience, the emotionally unstable offender. Respect was also evident in the whole notification scenario. The officers exuded utmost respect for the offender as a person and even respected his emotions concerning the whole matter. Question 4 Certain safety issues arose during the death notification scenario. One of the main issues that arose comprised emotional instability. Indeed, in a situation such as that, emotional instability was an issue that the officers required to put into perspective. This is because such instability may lead the offender to commit dangerous acts against the officers delivering the news. Another safety issue that arose during the scenario involved a possible attack from the offender. This is a safety issue that was likely to be evident during the scenario. Thus, it was important to employ two officers who would mitigate the situation if it arises. One officer focused on questioning the offender while the other one observed the movements and actions of the offender. This way, the issue of a probable attack from the offender may undergo mitigation due to the presence of another police officer. Question 5 If I were the officer, I would employ several strategies in addressing the offender’s situation. Foremost, I would employ the technique of presumptive questioning during communication with the offender. Understanding the situation that the offender is experiencing will require the employment of empathy. Being empathetic to the offender will enable me to connect with him personally. Validating my understanding of the situation will be possible through presumptive questioning. Presumptive questioning will focus on achieving resilience within the offender. Thus, in validating the offender’s situation, I will ask questions such as ‘When you faced a difficult situation other than this, how did you resolve it?’ Such a question will allow the offender to discover strengths that he used to handle other difficult situation.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The revised code of 1862 essays

The revised code of 1862 essays In 1858 a Royal Commission chaired by the Duke of Newcastle, was formed to investigate the rising level of public expenditure on education. The findings, titled The State of Popular Education in England, were published in 1861 and recommended that money for education should continue. Such funding would be based upon a system of payment by results. The Vice President of the Education Board at this time, Robert Lowe, accepted the main points set out by the Newcastle Commission and in 1862 announced a Revised Code for Education. The aim of this essay is to explain the intentions and targets of the revised code and whether these were achieved. The Commission was appointed in June 1858 and after examining the reports of Inspectors of Schools from 1839 to 1858 the Commissioners decided they required fresh information on schools. In order to obtain this, Assistant Commissioners were selected to gather the information from a number of districts. These districts were to be representative of the country, and comprise two of the agricultural, manufacturing, mining, maritime, and metropolitan areas. Robert Lowe, at this time the Vice President of the Education Board, accepted the report totalling 634 pages on behalf of the Government. Lowe was born in Nottinghamshire in 1811, educated at University College, Oxford; he was called to the bar in 1842. After immigrating to Australia, where he developed a successful law firm, he returned to England in 1850. He took office with the government in 1852 and in 1859 was appointed Vice President of the Education Board. Following the 1868 General Election, Lowe became Chancellor of the Exch equer and then in 1873 he became Home Secretary. During 1880 he was created Viscount Sherbrooke and served in the House of Lords until he died in 1892. To inquire into the present system of popular education in England, and to consider and report what measures, if any, are required for the exten...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

7 Content Calendar Examples From Awesome Brands to Inspire Yours

7 Content Calendar Examples From Awesome Brands to Inspire Yours Content calendars can make or break the successful implementation of your content strategy. Why? Because they help keep your team on track, let them see what’s coming next, and help them avoid the panic of having to write something at the last minute. In this post, we took seven companies across a variety of industries and reconstructed their blog and social media posting schedules  (based on manual research) to create example content calendars. Then, after you’ve seen each example, we’ll show you how to establish your own publishing frequency, and build a content calendar to keep it organized. But First, Who Are We, Anyway?: is an industry-leading marketing calendar software platform. Curious to learn how you can manage your content + social media (and all your other marketing projects), all in one place? Start here. Download Your Content Calendar Template Kit Before you continue reading, download your content calendar template kit. It contains: A social media scheduling calendar  to plan, write and organize all your social media messages. A content calendar template  to organize and plan your content in advance. A printable marketing calendar  for your desk so you can always keep an eye on what’s coming next. A best times to post on social media infographic  to take the guesswork out of when you need to be posting. A how often to post on social media infographic  to know the baseline amount that you should post on your social media pages. A best times to publish blog posts infographic that lets you see the best times to publish your blog posts to gain the most eyeballs.7 Content Calendar Examples From Awesome Brands to Inspire Your OwnWhat Is The Purpose of a Content Calendar? The purpose of having a content calendar is to make sure your content team stays organized and on top of your publishing schedule. Some specific benefits include: Keeping track of deadlines. Giving your whole team visibility on what you’re working on. Making it easier to plan ahead. Let's Look At 7 Content Calendar Examples From These Leading Brands We chose the following companies to reconstruct their publishing schedule. Each one of these organizations had an active blog and a regular social media presence. Red Bull: Red Bull is a publishing company that just happens to sell an energy drink. This makes them interesting because they publish a large amount of high quality content. An e-commerce business that carries musical instruments and accessories. They create content that makes it easy to see and hear what you’re getting before you buy. Modcloth: An e-commerce vintage clothing brand. They publish a mix of promotional content that helps sell clothes and content that shows their audience how they might look when wearing their product. Disney Parks: An estimated 150 million people visit Disney parks every year. Their content helps those visitors have the best time. BMW: BMW is the most popular car brand  on Instagram. Their messages promote an aspirational lifestyle that people strive to achieve. Whole Foods: Whole Foods curates content that’s valuable to people who want to live a healthier lifestyle. They also share their own recipes. Concordia College:  The marketing department at Concordia uses the story of their current students to attract new prospective students. Each one of these organizations span a variety of industries and company sizes. No matter what your organization does you can see a variety of schedules to inspire your own. Red Bull Red Bull is a massive media powerhouse that just happens to sell an energy drink. As you can see from their content calendar, they publish a lot of stuff whether it’s blogs, social media messages, videos and more. What conclusions can we draw from Red Bull’s content calendar? Post your content where your audience is most active.  Red Bull’s audience of 20 to 30 year old males is most active on Facebook and Instagram. Therefore it makes sense that Red Bull would publish a larger amount of content on these channels. Reuse video content on social media.  Red Bull is known for their incredible video content. Much of that gets shared on Facebook and their other social platforms. You might not be able to shoot the same kind of video, but if you have video content at all, repackage it for social media for maximum mileage. Create content that looks and feel authentically like the non-branded content that your audience seeks out. Red Bull is so successful because it looks like content from a publishing house. They don’t feel like they are being sold too. Takeaway: Organic social media content doesn't always need to sell directly in order to be successful. Take a look at Red Bull's content and social media publishing is an e-commerce website that sells pretty much any music related instrument you could think of. They know their audience well and have a created a reliable and consistent publishing schedule that’s jam-packed full of content about musicians, new and old instruments and techniques their fans would find interesting. What conclusions can we draw from Reverb’s content calendar? If you’re going to publish a lot of content make sure you do it well.  One of the reasons that is so successful with their content is because of their ability to tailor it to their audience. They publish a lot of information, but all of it is executed well. Establish trust with your audience. By talking to industry experts, popular musicians and more they are able to establish a sense of trust with their audience. People can drop a lot of money on their sites because they can trust what they find. Create content that makes it easy to understand how to use complex products.  Reverb does a great job explaining what their product does and how to use it. Their product base can get overwhelming and stressful so Reverb makes it easy to understand and find the dream product their audience is in search of. Takeaway: Earn your audience’s trust through the content you create. Take a look at Reverb's content and social media publishing schedule.ModCloth ModCloth is another e-commerce website that sells women’s vintage style clothing. ModCloth caters to a very niche market place as the demand for vintage clothes falls to a unique group of buyers. What conclusions can we draw from ModCloth’s content calendar? Put your audience’s interests first.  Modcloth’s audience is interested in fashion. They aren’t satisfied with what they can find at the mall. By creating content that gives their audience fashion ideas by itself, it’s okay that the copy tells them where to find it. This is an exception where direct selling can work for a retail brand. Start small and grow.  You don’t need to publish 67 blog posts and 123 social media messages right off the bat. ModCloth’s publishing schedule is small but that’s what works for them. You have to walk before you can run and that includes your content creation. Your blog doesn’t have to be your main focus. Blogs are great, but they’re also time-consuming. If your team doesn’t have the resources or the time to publish a ton of blog content, that’s okay. Focus your efforts on creating great content on your social media pages,e-books or landing pages and slowly grow your blog. Takeaway: Organic social media content should not always look and feel like an ad. Take a look at Mod Cloth's content and social media publishing schedule.Disney Parks Disney is a behemoth in the hospitality and service world and needless to say they publish a lot of content. The Disney Parks blog is just one of several blogs, Facebook pages and more that Disney runs. What conclusions can we draw from Disney Park’s content calendar? Create content that creates FOMO. Disney has many massive theme parks that are packed full of attractions and fun family things to do. Their content creates a FOMO or feeling of missing out on all the fun. This move creates a sense of urgency and longing for your audience hopefully promoting them to take action. Show them what they will experience. Create content that shows your audience what they will get or experience when they purchase your products. Instead of letting them guess what will happen, show them instead. Help them have the best time when they do business with you. Disney’s content focuses a lot on the experiences that their customers have. You can do this as well by letting your content show them how working with you creates the best possible experience they’ll ever have. Takeaway: Show your audience how to create an experience when they visit you. Take a look at Disney Park's content and social media publishing schedule.Whole Foods Whole Foods is a natural grocery store that was recently acquired by Amazon. They’re blog integrates the products their selling with fun easy to read content. What conclusions can we draw from Whole Foods content calendar? If you don’t have enough blog content to supplement your social media messages, curate it from other sources.  Whole Foods doesn’t publish a ton of blog content throughout the month so to supplement some of its social media posts it will scrape content from other related blogs, news sources and even their own customers. Try publishing themed content. One thing that Whole Foods does well is post themed content. Whether that be new Halloween recipes or ways to used seasoned fruits and vegetables Whole Foods finds a way to make their content timely and themed. Don’t publish blog content just to fill your content calendar. If you’re experiencing gaps in your content calendar don’t randomly publish blog content trying to fill it in. Your blog content should always be strategically written. Takeaway: Everything that Whole Foods publishes is high-quality content that their audience cares about. They might do well to publish a little more but you don’t have to have a publishing schedule like Red Bull to be successful. BMW BMW is a world-renowned luxury vehicle maker. Their designs are timeless, classic, and out of reach for many pocket books. Their content marketing strategy however, is not. What conclusions can we draw from BMW content calendar? Use your blog to show behind the scenes stuff about your product.  People love seeing what makes a product tick. Use your blog to show them information that they may not get by seeing advertisements or use cases of your product. If you sell an expensive product, use social media to reinforce your brand not make a direct sale. People know who BMW is and how it makes them feel. Their product is out of reach for many of their audience members meaning that a link to a dealership in a post probably isn’t going to result in a sale. If your product has a pretty hefty price tag use your social media to reinforce the luxury idea of your brand. Make people feel like they’re part of the community.  BMW is great at making their audience feel included when they buy their product. They’re not just purchasing a car, they’re also becoming part of a community. Takeaway: If your product is a hard direct sell, create content that caters to your audience’s aspirations. Take a look at BMW's content and social media publishing schedule.Concordia College Concordia College is a small liberal arts college in Moorhead, Minnesota. Like many colleges Concordia keeps and active blog and social media presence to attract prospective students. What conclusions can we draw from Concordia’s content calendar? Reshare your blog content.  Concordia shares one blog post  multiple times on one social media channel. This can help ensure that as many people see your content as possible. Let current customers tell your story. Concordia uses their content to show potential student see what it would look like if they were to attend the college. Word of mouth is more powerful than what you could say about yourself as a brand. Once you’ve publish your content respond to what people have to say. Your content publishing schedule is not complete once it’s live. You need to be able to continue that conversation about your content with your audience. Find out what they think and take the time to show them that you care about what they have to say. Takeaway: Reinforce the idea that your organization creates a community. Take a look at Concordia College's content and social media publishing schedule.How Can You Build Your Own Calendar Like a Leading Brand? You’ve seen seven  different examples. The next step in your process is to create a content publishing schedule and a social media promotion schedule. So how do you do that? Step One: Figure Out Content Types and Publishing Schedule The very first step in developing your content calendar is deciding what types content you’re going to be publishing. Some common options are: Blog Posts E-Books Landing pages Podcasts Videos Social media posts Email newsletters There’s no limit to the types of content that your team can publish but remember to start small and grow into more types later down the road. Once you’ve decided what types of content you’re going to publish, you need to decide how often you’re going publish each type of content. For example it could look something like: Publish two blog posts a week. Publish one podcast a week. Publish one e-book each quarter. The publishing schedule that your company decides on can grow or shrink depending on For every content piece you publish you should include the following information in your content calendar: The date it publishes. The topic it covers. The content format you’ll create. In your content calendar template it would look something like this:

Friday, February 14, 2020

Healthcare and Business Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Healthcare and Business Goals - Essay Example Health care managers are appointed to positions of authority in order to shape the organization by making important decisions (The Hastings center, 2012). On a daily basis, they make and coordinate decisions on recruitment and development of staff, service addition or reduction, allocation and utilization of financial resources, and acquisition of equipment and technology. Their role is to ensure that patients and clients receive appropriate services effectively and timely while focusing on achievement of performance targets (Caldwell, Brexler and Gillem, 2000). Health care services tend to be personal in nature, and its impact tends to be felt by the providers and recipients at a point of delivery. Decisions made by hospital managers reflect on ethical and moral values of the administration since they are subjective in nature and have a key effect on the wellbeing of patients, employees, taxpayers and community, individually or collectively (, 2012). The decisions of manager s affect people directly or indirectly in both predictable and unpredictable ways and sometimes raise questions of fairness. For example, a hospital may buy equipment at a premium price, but fail to raise wages of personnel to desirable levels. In a different situation, a hospital can be challenged to rationalize the use of money from patients to pay employees whose work is substandard. In yet another case, expenses may rise, and the administration may want to cut budgets of some departments, whatever decision is made, certain patients are bound to be affected (Wheatley, 2006). It is important for the manager to prioritise the obligation to serve patients effectively. Ethical issues such as those highlighted above should be addressed effectively as negligence leads to errors and potentially costly decisions that are harmful to patients, staff, the organization and the community. Where staff is affected negatively by such decisions; it can result in distress which is known to cause p rofessional burn out and staff turnover (Owen, 1990). The management of a health care organization has the duty to nurture a healthy ethical environment (Morrison, 2011). Good ethics improve employee morale, enhance productivity and improve efficiency of the organization. This in turn, improves customer satisfaction and employee retention. There is a clear link between ethics and quality, a health care organization that fails to meet established ethical bench marks, and standards is not likely to deliver high-quality health care. Conversely, institutions that fail to meet minimum quality standards raise ethical concerns with stake holders (Morrison, 2011). A review of practices in the top ranked health care organizations Managers of health care institutions must Endeavour to adopt quality and system improvement programmes in order to improve care delivery and spread new practices across the system. The transformation process requires a clear and sustained strategy and takes time to implement. For example, Henry Ford Health System, a leading health care institution in excellence has been dedicated to quality improvement and achieving strong financial performance for over 20 years. It has sought to put patients first by exploring needs, improving care and overcoming conflicts between its employees. Therefore, strong leadership is critical to maintaining unwavering focus on improving systems and outcomes

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Crimes Against the Public Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Crimes Against the Public - Essay Example On most occasions when dialogue does not bear fruit, agitators opt to go rioting thus distracting public peace. In that regard, the following case briefs will shed some light on how various previous cases involving the same were handled. This will guide on how to look at the two happenings that involved offences against the public. Crimes Against the Public Introduction Crimes against the public are those intentional acts and behaviors that tend to disrupt the order in which the members of the public run their daily operations (public order). The Law checks to ensure that minimum standards of decency and civility must be upheld by all individuals as long as they are in public. For that reason, there are set rules and guidelines which must be observed by all members of the public which attract respective penalties upon breach. The following are some case briefs. Case briefs Edward v. South Carolina, 372 U.S. 229 (1963) Facts of the case: A peaceful demonstration was organized by 187 A frican-Americans to South Carolina State House grounds. The protestors divided themselves into small groups as they pushed to convey their grievances against policies of segregation in their state. This process did not disrupt the normal activities of the public and everything ran normally and no property was destroyed. This demonstration was however disrupted by thirty police officers who ordered the protesters to stop or be arrested. The students defied the order and instead chanted songs of freedom and patriotism. This led to their arrest and conviction for disruption of peace. Issues present in the case: Was the arrest of the protestors in violation of their rights and freedoms to express themselves, to gather to push for their grievances as provided for in the First and Fourteenth Amendments? Decision: The court’s ruling was that the arrest violated the marcher’s right of speech, press and assembly. Reasoning: It was held that the arrest and conviction of the marc hers was against their rights. The Court could not clearly identify the crime alleged against the protestors. The evidence provided was insufficient and did not portray acts of violence. Therefore the judge for the case ruled that there was a violation of constitutional rights by arresting the peaceful protestors. Justice Stewart said that the protestors were only exercising the First Amendment rights and that the state was not allowed to criminalize protests against controversial rules. Dissenting opinions: there were no dissenting opinions regarding this case and the court went by the judge’s ruling. Looking at the above cited case, (Edwards v. South Carolina 372 U.S. 229 (1963), 1963) we find that these marchers pushed for their grievances peacefully and did not destroy public property nor blocked traffic. It was because of that that the court regarded their acts as an exercise of constitutional rights. However, it was a different case altogether where two angry students s ent e-mails to Texas government agencies with threats to blow up a building in protest over U.S. involvement in several controversial international issues. The students were arrested and charged with threats to use weapons of mass destruction. In this case, the government did not succeed in convicting the students because the threat to blow up a building was just an expression of their thoughts (U.S. v Wise, 221 F.3d 140 (5th Cir.200), 2000). They would not be convicted because there wasn’

Friday, January 24, 2020

Satanism :: essays research papers

Satanism Sociology/Psychology I am hoping I can somehow make this seem like a psychological report without making it lose any of it's important details. My goal in writing this paper is to hopefully make people understand and agree that Satanism is not a "Devil Worshipping," animal mutilating, child scarifying cult organization. The psychological thing comes in when people say Satanism is wrong or evil, they hear the word Satan and automatically assume that it must be bad. They make these assumptions without even taking the time to find the facts and understand them. I'll start off by saying that Satanists do not worship the devil! A Satanist believe that he or she as an individual rule their own destiny and are the god of their own lives. Satanism is a religion based on the reality that man is an animal, like all others. They choose to separate themselves from a society where natural behavior is suppressed and the strong support the weak. The average Satanist disagrees wi th much of Christianity. In many ways Christians are considered the enimies. Christians say Satan is a fallen angel, not a God. All religions have gods and demons, some of which are forbidden by a typical society. Satan is one among these, originally conceived by the Hebrews, long before the birth of Jesus. Most Satanists are familiar with the teachings of Christianity, and have read the Bible or part of it. They simply consider the Bible to be false and disregard it much like Christians would disregard books which represent the foundation of another religion. Satanism is not considered a religion for the white race and should not be confused with or grouped together with skinheads, The KKK, Nazi's, Neo-Nazi's, or people who support white power. Satanists are not teenage vandals, not gang murderers, not psychopathic murders, not child molesters or vicious rapists. Satanists do not sacrifice young children or animals. The ninth and tenth of the Eleven Satanic Rules of The Earth forbi d this, in fact, animal sacrifices are primarily used in the Afro-Caribbean syncretistic religions such as Voodoun, Candomble', and Santeria. Child Sacrifices are used in Television and by journalists to improve ratings. A Satanist does not practice baby breeding or child molestation. Evidence does not support what is said to occur. If the number of murders said to be committed by Satanists' was accurate some bodies would have been found by now.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Personal and Business Ethics Essay

Individuals and organizations both have their own specific values and codes of conduct which guides their behavior. The individual values should be aligned with the organizational values which make up its culture or else it would result in work place conflict. Organizations need to change their culture at times for the purpose of increased success and profitability or it will not be able to standout and beat the competition. This requires understanding, awareness, communication of objectives, strong sense of commitment and most importantly effective leadership guidance. This paper discusses first the personal and business analysis based on their respective values, mission, vision and code of ethics. Then it goes into the depth of the business ethics by highlighting its social responsibilities and various moral philosophies and ethical principles. Finally, a plan for changing organizational culture is put forward which will ensure success and profitability for the organization in the changing environment. Personal Analysis Every individual has certain values and beliefs on which depends his entire code of ethics. Personal ethics are as much important as the business ethics. A manager needs to have his own personal own values first so that he can relate to the organization’s values. Personal values and code of ethics are important for interacting with people within and outside the organization. A manager needs to have this for dealing with people and adhering to the standards. (Hartman and DesJardins, 2007) Values The personal values that a manager needs to cultivate and that I personally feel important are: Respect The first and foremost ethical priority which I developed from my childhood is ‘respect’. I believe every work should have an element of respect for dealing with people. Communication will not result in fruitful results without respect. If there is respect then people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds can have a dialogue with each other for making important decisions. Therefore, respect is important in all businesses for making decisions that turn out to meet the strategic objectives of the organization. Trust Another important value which I developed from my mistakes, observations and experiences was trust. It is an obvious fact that decisions and deals are based on trust. A manager needs to trust his employees for accomplishing the assigned task. This doesn’t means that one should become completely dependent on others rather he should develop trust to an extent of efficient running of the business. If I can only trust my employees then I’ll be putting them on important assignments or discussing problems with them and thus, the decision making process will become faster. Truthfulness An individual should always try to be truthful in his deals or else no one even his employees will be able to trust him. Thus, truthfulness in business deals establishes the integrity of a person and people trust him Dignity Dignity becomes important when an organization comprises of people from different cultural backgrounds. Every person has his own self-esteem and pride which should be maintained. Dignity develops through lifetime experiences of an individual. Fairness For maintaining your workforce and expanding your business, fairness plays an important role. A manager should be fair in his dealings not only with the internal and external partners to the company but also to the customers. Customers will only prefer the products and services of a certain company if they find it fair and honest. Personal Code of Ethics Personally I feel that a manager should treat people with dignity and respect which appear to me the most important personal values so my code of ethics also surrounds them.   For me showing respect and dignity for others becomes beneficial in the long run because in the business environment there are people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Therefore, treating people with dignity and respect is my personal code of ethics. Personal Mission/Vision Statement To cultivate and practice the values of respect, trust and integrity to achieve a recognized position in my profession and will take every possible measure to spread these values in my coworkers. Business Analysis Like every individual, organizations also have a culture and a code of ethics which centers on their core values. General Mills Foundation is counted amongst the world’s largest food company marketing over 100 food products. It deals in cereals, meals, Pillsbury, snacks, yogurt, organic foods, bakeries and food services. The company also operates internationally and has joint ventures to make its service available globally. The company focuses on community services for which General Mills Foundation has been established. They provide financial support to nonprofit organizations which work for the fitness and proper diet of the youth and also provide them education (General Mills). Vision/Mission Statement To become the no.1 food marketing company in every food category through speedy and efficient supply of products in the markets beating out the competition. Workplace Values The values practiced at General Mills become a source of their strength and actually guide them to take an active part in community work and help the society. These values fulfill their promise to the consumers, customers, investors and to the company itself. The first and foremost value practiced at General Mills is superior customer service and satisfaction which gives them a competitive edge over other food marketing companies. They make this possible through their brands, people, innovation and performance. They build leading brands so that consumers establish a trust with them making their lives healthier. Another important value which is seen in their workforce is diversity which they consider as an opportunity with employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. The company spends on research and development and strives for innovation to further increase their sales and improve their business. Finally, the company believes in giving outstanding performance to its customers, suppl iers and investors to establish strong and healthy relationships with them. The three most important values the company has endured on over the time are honesty, integrity and trust. These values remain at the heart of the organization and strengthen the ethical conduct and personal integrity of the employees (General Mills). Code of Ethics The company has set very high standards of ethical conduct and does not compromise on any deficiency. It expects from its employees to demonstrate ethical conduct and integrity not only in dealing with customers but at every step of their lives. The company is highly regarded as the ethical company because it centers around the ethical values of honesty, trust and integrity which makes up the code of ethics for the company. Culture at General Mills The culture of any organization is built on its ethical and moral values which the organization believes are important.   The culture should be strong enough to maintain and retain strong relationships with the customers, suppliers and investors. The culture is highly characterized by community involvement, diversity and corporate social responsibility. Their activities focus on the betterment of the environment. They make sure that the effect of their products and the packaging is minimum on the environment. The company donates huge amount of money for communities and also volunteers for them. There is a strong sense of commitment amongst the employees and the customers towards the company. Due to this they have build customer loyalty with feelings of trust and respect prevailing among the customers for the company.   The culture at General Mills is highly service driven. We see a combination of clan and market culture dominant in the work environment where employees work in a friendly and social environment supporting the clan perspective and the organization is results and sales oriented supporting the market perspective. The leadership and management style are democratic taking into account the ideas and suggestions from their employees and allowing for easy interaction between the top management and the coworkers. Thus the culture at General Mills is highly supportive of the community action implemented by the company and strives to enhance relationships with both the customers and the investors (General Mills). Social Responsibilities An important part of General Mills culture is corporate social responsibility. The company is recognized as a responsible corporate citizen who not only strives for its economic performance but also maintaining the environment and serving the customers. The social responsibility which the company highlights at its website is to sustain the environment from any hazardous production operations. For this purpose General Mills Foundation has been established which ensures that the environment is protected from any such operations. The foundation also works for the community through donations and other volunteering programs. The company is very effective in its social responsibility programs which can be seen it from its activities in reducing water and energy usage, controlling air emissions from production operations, using recyclable materials, minimizing and managing waste materials and protecting the environment from any hazardous waste materials or other production processes. Thus i t can be said that General Mills has effectively met its responsibilities which it promises and continues to do so (General Mills). Ethical Analysis and Training Programs It is rightly said that General Mills is an ethical company because of all the ethical and social responsible activities that it practices. Employees are first trained in the job so that work in an environment friendly way. They are taught the production processes that result in minimum wastage of resources of release of any harmful materials or gases. The company also initiates programs on topics of youth nutrition and fitness so that the youth can live a healthy and fun loving life. From the research and observation on the company, no weakness seemed to appear in the ethical conduct seen at the organization. This makes the company a leading food marketer and adds to its strength.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The United States Of America - 1527 Words

The United States of America is a nation that displays strong democratic tradition but history teaches us that there have been presidents whom have demonstrated imperialism. Imperialism occurs when a stronger nation takes over by force a weaker nation or region and then imposes it’s economic, political and or cultural life on that region. Imperialism has been around for centuries beginning in the ancient world when great empires arose due to a civilization or religious belief attempting to dominate and control others. Then in the modern age the word is most often associated with the British Empire but in the late 19th and early 20th century the United States also possessed imperialistic policies. U.S. President’s such as William McKinley,†¦show more content†¦for $20,000,000. The McKinley administration looked beyond its borders to conquer new land. McKinley’s had his sights on acquiring Hawaii. He imposed a tariff raising import rates of foreign sugar w hich caused a depression to sweep through the islands of Hawaii. The U.S. marines stormed the islands overtaking the people and forcing Hawaii to become a U.S. territory. As the McKinley administration gained power it turned to imperialistic views and polices instead of helping other countries and regions establish stable democratic governments. â€Å"McKinley understood that to his electorate, imperialism was a dirty word, and so he made Americans believe that their nation’s boldly imperial moves were instead efforts of great compassion and sacrifice.† (Bradley, 99) President McKinley was assassinated in September, 1901, thrusting Vice President Theodore Roosevelt into presidency instituting his imperialistic philosophy into his administration. Roosevelt was the youngest president with charismatic energy to make the United States into a global power through international trade. Roosevelt believed in the proverb â€Å"Speak softly and carry a big stick† he believed that war was justified when it increased American power and introduced democracy to other nations. Roosevelt needing to display his power to other nations, â€Å"Under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, the U.S. built up its navy and deployed a naval armada around the world, decided to complete the Panama